20 Jun

Frogs are officially good for your garden.  They eat your slugs and various other bugs, and if you can get a few into  the garden, it  is definitely worthwhile.

We have a fish bowl with tadpoles in it as our centre piece on the kitchen table. It's great for diffusing arguments, and having something to look at while you eat your tea!-although I think they are getting too big now, so we will have to make a plan to ease them out and hopefully they will make it to full 'froghood', stay around, and eat their fill from our garden.

It is completely fascinating though-this cycle of life from frog spawn to tiny tadpole, tails and tiny legs and toes?.. to  become this very helpful creature which continues to maintain other life cycles in our gardens. There is something very comforting about these cycles, and patterns in nature. There is order, and times for things to seed, grow and develop, provide and die. Only to start all over again the following year. Nature is resilient, and persistent. It is predictable and dependable. 

Back to the tadpoles. They have a way to go yet-lots of eating to do-apparently they are pretty ruthless and will eat each other if they feel the need! Hopefully, I will be able to show you the new frogs leaving their little home. The cat may have some other plans.  Nature eh?  

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