17 Aug

Now is the time for cut backs-but of a different kind-the gardening kind. It is a great time of year for a good tidy up. Many of the plants have flowered and died off, have grown ALOT, and need a chop, or have started new growth-think raspberries/strawberries-and need the old wood and plants removed to make way for the new. 

It got me thinking as  I have been reading a new book-The Well Gardened Mind, by Sue Stuart-Smith. She has started to talk about how our minds can sometimes benefit from some 'pruning' as well. The principles still apply-remove the dead wood to make way for the new growth.  If we keep on holding onto the old stuff, and do not take time to consider if it is useful or fruitful anymore, then it will  not benefit us or allow for our growth. 

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