22 May

It is definitely time to talk about bees. It was world bee day on 21st May, and although many people would think-"Why would you have a day for bees?!?!", they are just SO important.  There is even a Bumblebee Conservation Trust

We need them to pollinate our plants so we can grow food and eat-and also so we can eat honey-VERY important also.  Did you know, there are 24 species of bumblebee-different from honey bees, I never really liked bees that much-always waiting for them to sting me-until one lovely sunny day I was sitting on the grass which was filled with clover, and those little bees just worked away all afternoon, flying from one flower to the next, and they didn't care about me sitting there-they had work to do! 

Bees are having a problem though as so many of us are not growing stuff like we used to, and there is just not the same variety in our hedgerows and countryside, or even the same amount of countryside-it's a big problem.  There are things we can do though to help them along-and so help us all along.

1. Choose bee friendly plants

2. Plant through the seasons

3. Grow a good variety of flowers, fruit and veg

4.Let the grass grow

5. Put away pesticides

6. Grow from seed-such as a wild flower garden

7. Make a bee hotel!

I was chatting to a friend last night, and was saying that I was thinking about bees.  She said something that really struck me, "I see them all the time just crawling around the ground-they've got so tired buzzing about, and they just can't keep going. " She gives them a little drink of sugar and water, they revive, and off they go again on their mission. 

Made me think that sometimes we just keep buzzing on through life, on our wee personal mission of the day/week, and often just get exhausted.  We need a little revive from a good laugh with a friend, a good cup of coffee, good sleep, and personally speaking, time with God. 

 Maybe this lock down period has been a strange offer of rest and I for one, am in no panic to be buzzing back to how it was before! If you are interested in helping the bees along, there are wee kits you can get from Friends of the Earth-might be fun for the children-or there's loads of stuff through the Bee Conservation Trust. Whatever you do, just try growing stuff and they'll be happy! Put the feet up this weekend, rest the wings, and will chat again next week. 

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